Department of Natural and Environmental Resources

San Juan, PR


Started : SEPTEMBER 2003

Completed : JUNE 2006


US $ 7,909,660

Project Summary

The project consisted of the channelization of the Guayanilla River for the control of flooding in the Guayanilla flood plain. Some major items where the excavation and dewatering for a diversion channel and main river channels. Included in the contract where various types of stone revetment, filter materials and core stones which had to be mechanically processed at a quarry location 20 miles away.

The Scope

  • Clearing and grubbing of 30 acres.
  • Excavation and construction of diversion channel.
  • Excavation and construction of the main river channel.
  • In all combined earthworks, project totaled just over 650,000 cubic yards.
  • Over 40,000 tons and 18,000 cubic yards of various stones and filter materials which had to be mechanically processed by various methods at a separate quarry located 33 km away from the project.
  • Monitoring of water quality (turbidity testing).
  • Wetland mitigation.