Serralles Hotel and Golf Villas, Inc

Ponce, PR


Started : FEBRUARY 2001

Completed : JANUARY 2005


US $ 12,490,000

Project Summary

Costa Caribe Golf and Country Club Resort: The project consisted of the clearing and grubbing of 800,000 square meters, 700,000 cubic meters of excavation activities in cut to fill and 100,000 cubic meters of excavation to stockpile, excavation for irrigation ponds and grading of golf course, installation of drainage pipes and structures, maintenance of haul roads, temporary erosion control and other miscellaneous works.

Sitework for Club House: The project consisted of the clearing and grubbing of 48,000 square meters, 60,000 cubic meters of surcharge embankment, including 110,000 meters of vertical wick drains, 70,000 cubic meters of borrow material for structures and roads, asphalt pavement, drainage system, PRASA facilities and water connection, temporary erosion control and other miscellaneous works.

Sitework for Golf Villas: The project consisted of the clearing and grubbing of 116,000 square meters, 170,000 cubic meters of surcharge embankment, including 460,000 meters of vertical wick drains, 140,000 meters of borrow material for structures and roads, asphalt pavement, drainage system, general room and diesel tank, pump station, PRASA facilities and water connection, temporary erosion control and other miscellaneous works.

The Scope

  • Over 950,000 square meters of clearing and grubbing activities.
  • Over 1,300,000 cubic meters of earthwork activities.
  • Over 500,000 meters of wick drains installed.
  • All irrigation ponds in the golf course.
  • All roads, PRASA facilities and drainage system in Villas and Club House